what’s happening in our world of dancing demons and dinghies

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This page is dedicated to useful marine downloads, but obviously I am unable to recommend them or be held responsible for the accuracy of their information.  Any problems or any suggestions please get in touch with web site from which you downloaded the programme.  Some have been written by sailors as a hobby.  The ones I have listed here , I feel are the most interesting out of the many hundreds that are out there.  

This is a program that shows you the heights of tides around the world, even Barmouth in the form of a graph, you are able to set a line for minimum draft height so you can look at what time you can enter or leave for example Barmouth. Very useful, it will show tidal graphs for up to a year ahead, any further and they become less accurate.  Do not be put of with the high level of Ports in the US there are plenty of UK ports, Barmouth, Plymouth, etc.

The file is downloaded in the form of a Zip file.  I would rate this from my own experience as having a score of 4 out of 5.


Ctide is a program that is similar to the above Wxtide32 but will run on Windows CE so will run on many Windows driven phones and PDA’s this making it very handy to have as a reference guide in your pocket. Similar properties as to the above, as it was designed around the Wxtide32 system.  I also have this on my handheld chart plotter.

I would rate this from my own experiences as 4 out of 5.


When you buy a weather forecasting package, you need to down load the upto date Grib files these are very small data files that contain the weather information.  To save you buying a weather forecasting package, down load this package for free and it will show animated barometric charts for where ever you want in the world, also for free, shown barometric pressure, wind speed, direction, etc.

Again I have used this and found it useful. Marks out of 5 I would have to give it a 3.5.

But try for your self, its free!!!!!!!!!